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Published On 11/17/2024
I hope you enjoyed many colorful autumn rides as we wrap up 2024. Here is the latest news about our club.

Club Elections

Our club election is open and it's time to select our 2025 board of directors. Voting started November 14 and you can vote until December 1...
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Published On 10/7/2024
Hi BMW Club,

I hope you are enjoying your autumn riding as the weather finally cools off. Here is the latest news about our club.
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Published On 3/13/2024
Hi, BMW club members! March has been busy for our BMW club. Here is the latest news and updates.

Quilt Raffle

We started selling tickets for our exciting quilt raffle at the banquet in February. Tickets are $5 each and you can buy them from our club officers. (You need to buy them in person and we accept cash or checks.)...
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Published On 2/11/2024
Hi everyone, it was great to see so many of you at the annual banquet Saturday. More than 70 people attended!

It looks like spring and riding season are arriving a month or two early. Enjoy yourselves if you are able to get out for a ride in February. With the lack of snow and ice this winter, there is hopefully less salt and grit on the roads (and fewer potholes) waiting to trip us up.

Here is important news about our club and upcoming events.
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Published On 1/2/2024
Happy New Year!
Hello everyone, I hope you had an enjoyable holiday season. Our club has been busy and I wanted to let you know about our latest news.
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Published On 10/17/2023
Prez Sez October 2023

As I sit here in my room at the Little Bluff Inn during our Fall Color Ride, after a great breakfast and spending time at the Galesville Applefest with its famous ten-foot apple pie (which I must say was pretty good), I am thinking about how quickly this day transpired, and as well as this riding season...
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Published On 8/3/2023
Well, another month is in the books. I hope that everyone is taking advantage of this dry weather to get out and put some mileage on the odometer...
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Published On 6/27/2023
Prez Sez
So, here we are in June and the heart of our riding season! I hope that everyone is getting out and enjoying the time we get to do what we love.
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Published On 3/30/2023
A quick note to let everyone know what is coming up for this riding season!
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Published On 10/1/2022
Another month in the books. As I sit here watching the frozen water (I refuse to type the word) come down this morning I am again reminded just how quickly the time passes. I also begin to think about all the tasks that become more urgent as we move towards the time we have to put our machines away. I am beginning to understand why my predecessors may have struggled to get these thoughts out more frequently.
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Published On 9/9/2022
Well, here it is September. Where did summer go? I know that my summer was occupied with lots of family business, but I was able to get a few rides in this summer. I am way below my usual riding mileage though. To recap my summer, I started out by co-chairing this year’s Hiawatha Rally, which I thought went rather well. We had a lot of compliments from other clubs and questions as to how we run such a great rally. I do need to ask for a club member to volunteer to be co-chair for next year with Mike Murdaugh, with that person then being the primary co-chair in 2024...
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Published On 5/19/2022
So, this Prez Sez is coming out a bit late for me to not feel a little guilty calling it April. I must
confess that I truly did not understand the demands of the club presidency before assuming
leadership. To which I compounded those demands with the demands of co-chairing this year’s
Hiawatha rally. One of my trainers when I was a leader in Boy Scouts once said, "We look for
people that spell no, K.N.O.W.!" I guess they and you found me! I have been blessed with an
outstanding board and vice president along with a rally co-chair which has helped beyond words
to relieve some of the stress...
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Published On 4/26/2022
So, this Prez sez is coming out a bit late for me to not feel a little guilty calling it April. I must confess that I truly did not understand the demands of the club presidency before assuming leadership. To which I compounded those demands with the demands of co chairing this years Hiawatha rally. One of my trainers when I was a leader in Boy Scouts once said " We look for people that spell no, K.N.O.W.!" I guess they and you found me! I have been blessed with an outstanding board and Vice president along with a rally co chair which has helped beyond words to relieve some of the stress.
Saying all that I also have come to the conclusion that it's not to late to get something done until the event happens. Which brings me to the message of todays Prez Sez. "It's not to late." If you spell no with a "K" we need you! want to get more involved with the club, have some spare time? volunteer for one of the many events we have coming up. We need people to volunteer for the open house at
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Published On 2/2/2022
Well, I caught it, no not the dreaded covid. The missing riding fever. It usually strikes about this time every winter. The signs are subtle but unmistakable endless hours watching motovloggers, living by watching others much more fortunate than myself continuing to ride in good weather climes. Commenting on bike related social media posts, posting pictures of your bike etc…
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Published On 5/1/2021
‘Tis the very merry month of May! Hooray!

OK, we are not back to normal, but some will say normal is overrated. A lot of our members have been vaccinated, by virtue of their professions, advanced age, perseverance, or good luck. Things are opening up, little by little.
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Published On 2/1/2021
Yes, I am still at home, though buoyed by the prospects of vaccines and pandemic stats trending downwards.

Well, and good. We have passed through February’s cold weather and can be hopeful for Spring, even though it was snowing today. If you are not itching to ride already, you will be, soon. Word has it that even snowbirds are beginning to be sighted migrating northwards.
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Published On 1/17/2019
I’m honored to be elected to my fifth year as President.

We had a good 2018 and I am anticipating an even better 2019.
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Published On 9/30/2018
Two weeks ago we had the A/C running and now its 46 degrees outside. That’s Minnesota for you...
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Published On 6/17/2018
Steve Says - June 2018
Wow, the snow melted and we went straight to summer...
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Published On 5/1/2018
You know it was a long winter when I don’t shave off my beard until April 29th. Riding Season started for me yesterday. Between the weather, being sick for over a week with a nasty cold and having lumber stacked up all over the place as I was
pre building a deer stand at home, I just didn’t get any bikes out until May 7...
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