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Prez Sez - September 2022

Tim Schwartz | Published on 9/9/2022

Well, here it is September. Where did summer go? I know that my summer was occupied with lots of family business, but I was able to get a few rides in this summer. I am way below my usual riding mileage though. To recap my summer, I started out by co-chairing this year’s Hiawatha Rally, which I thought went rather well.  We had a lot of compliments from other clubs and questions as to how we run such a great rally. I do need to ask for a club member to volunteer to be co-chair for next year with Mike Murdaugh, with that person then being the primary co-chair in 2024.

I then rode to the BMW MOA National Rally in Springfield, Missouri. I rode it in two days with the first night stop at a Central Iowa Association (C.I.A.) member’s house. I then rode the rest of the way with Doug from the C.I.A. The Rally was hot and muggy but good as I was honored to receive the largest club in attendance award again this year (thanks to the hard work, of Joel, Curt, and Beth). We had a good challenge this year from the Michigan club and we won by like three members so, if we want to continue our domination, make your plans to attend next year’s rally now and make sure you check in at the club camping area and get your name recorded.

July was a lost month for me due to family issues. I did take great pride in watching other club members host/post rides and Coddiwomple pictures. It is great to see the club offer so many opportunities to members.

August started off great with a great weekend ride/adventure only to come to a screeching halt when I contracted COVID. That meant that I was unable to attend the Grand Marais campout. It looked like a great time, from the pictures I saw. (I hope to see many more of those pictures at the winter banquet!)

So here we are in September and while the riding season is rapidly coming to an end, I look forward to taking full advantage of the riding we have left. The cooler temps and great scenery make for spectacular riding. I want to tell everyone to keep checking our different media sights for upcoming riding opportunities to take full advantage of these great days.
